Saturday, April 28, 1894


The following is a list of the letters remaining in the post office at Barrington, Ill., April 27, 1894, as unclaimed.
Henry Hersching
Levi Heckman
August Haack
L. Jacobus
Jaakob Kangas
E. P. Merrill
Henry Meiser
W. J. Pollock
Josie Qeenby
Henry Schwanhoff 2
T. E. Sunn
Theodore Skeibe
Will J. Smith
Geo. Wragg
John Weymouth.
M. B. McIntosh,
P. M.

Commercial printing at this office.

Four cans of Good Corn at Landwer & Hobein’s for 25 cents.

Quite a number of fish were caught in Honey Lake by Barrington sportsmen Tuesday.

Several new members were taken into the K. O. T. M. tent Tuesday night.

Mr. Hobein of the firm of Hobein & Landwer is improving his barn with a new coat of paint.

Mr. Henry Hobein is painting his house, which adds greatly to the appearance of his already handsome place.

E. I. Klein received the building material for his new house, which he is going to build on his farm.

The meeting in Stott’s Hall Sunday was largely attended.  Three students of the Moody Institute presided.

Mr. Mundhenke and wife of Palatine were the guests of Mr. W. H. Mundhenke and Emily Sunday.

A.W. Meyer was elected school director Saturday, receiving 86 of the 115 votes cast.  We congratulate Mr. Meyer.

Some young men take pride in meeting in doorways and other places where they are in the way of customers.

Members of the K. O. T. M. tent from Elgin and Palatine visited the Barrington tent Tuesday night and a good time was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. F. L. Waterman returned home from Elgin.  Mrs. Waterman was taken suddenly ill two weeks ago while visiting her mother, but is now much improved.

Presiding Elder W. H. Haight of Rockford will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening at 7:30, administering the communion at the close of the service.

Mr. Albert Gleason visited the Northwestern University at Evanston last Monday, where he expects to attend school next September.

The chemical fire engine company seemed to have been a failure for a while are yet likely to materialize.  Some go-ahead citizens have been quietly at work and have nearly raised the requisite amount needed to purchase an engine, which no doubt will be appreciated in case of fire.

In our account of the Conference proceedings of the Evangelical Association, which was held at Naperville, and the report of which appeared in last week’s issue, the amount of missionary money secured at the missionary meeting was put at $26.83 when it should have been $2,683.00.  We take pleasure in correcting this typographical error.

Good weather for making gardens.

The farmers are busy putting in their crops.

Calling and business cards at the office.

Lageschulte gave his meat market a new coat of paint Monday.

F. Adams spent Sunday with his family in Elgin.

A. L. Mallory of Nunda was a pleasant caller Monday.

Children’s Shoes that will wear at A. W. Meyer & Co.

Mrs. J. M. Thrasher was very ill the first of the week.

Mr. Barber of Wauconda spent Sunday with friends in Barrington.

The latest patterns in Wall Papers at A. V. Meyer & Co.

J. M. Thrasher made a trip to Arlington Heights Sunday.

H. Seip of Lake Zurich was on our streets Thursday.

F. J. Meier made a business trip to Chicago Wednesday.

J. C. Plagge paid Chicago a visit Tuesday.

Will Hobein made Chicago a business call Thursday.

S. Peck went to Chicago on business Thursday.

Another load of gypsies passed through the town Tuesday.

Mr. Robertson is having his house painted.

Mr. Johnson of Wauconda was in this city this week.

M. J. Rauh visited Chicago on business Wednesday.

G. W. Foreman had his building painted this week.

The three Moody Institute students left town Monday morning.

Mr. George Comstock of Cary spent Sunday in Barrington.

J. M. rides in a new buggy of late.

Mr. W. T. Sherwood was a very pleasant caller Thursday morning.

John Courtney of Wauconda was on our streets Thursday.

Fishing is good in Flint Creek but better in Fox Lake.

Spring Capes and Jackets at A. W. Meyer & Co.

F. McBride of Wauconda passed through Barrington on his way to Chicago.

Miss Laura Frye, who has been laid up with ulcerated teeth for the last week, is able to be at the store again.

Mr. Dan Lamey of the firm of A. W. Meyer & Co. made a business trip to Waukegan Monday.

The members of the M. E. church are giving their church a thorough cleaning.

Call and see the bargains A. W. Meyer & Co. are offering you in Dress Goods this week.

M. T. Lamey and Frank Sodt attended the show at Wauconda Monday evening.

Mr. G. W. Comstock furnished the building material for Mr. Klein’s new barn.

A freight train on the North Western was delayed Wednesday evening by a “hot box.”

FOR SALE CHEAP—A good Universal cook stove.  Good baker.  For particulars inquire at the News office.

Died—Last Saturday, at his home in Wauconda, Mr. Peter Johnson.  Mr. Johnson has for some time been ailing with consumption, which induced him to spend some time in the South but without any benefit for his health, returning home a short time ago.  Surrounded by his family Mr. Johnson passed peacefully away.  Mr. Johnson has been in business in Wauconda for many years, and at the time of
his death was postmaster of that place.  He was well liked by all and will be greatly missed.  The News extends its sympathy to the bereaved family.

A DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT—Will be given by the school and home talent society in School District No. 8, four miles south of Barrington Station, on Friday evening, May 4th, under the management of C. R. Galbraith and Geo. W. Humphrey.  The entertainment will consist of dialogues, declamations, recitations, pantomines and tableaux, and some select singing by good singers with good music.  Let
all who can turn out do so and enjoy a good time.  Admission 10 cents.

At No. 264 Clark Street, Chicago, there was exhibited one day this week a mammoth muskellunge fish caught in Fox Lake by Guide Frank Knowles, measuring 49 inches in length and weighing 47 pounds and 11 ounces.  This was a most remarkable catch, and many people of Chicago did not wait for the
Wisconsin Central train but started on foot for Fox Lake, and some of the Barrington sports shouldered their fishing poles and made Flint Creek a call, but did not have such good luck as Mr. Knowles at Fox Lake.

A.W. Meyer & Co.’s Ladies $2.50 dress shoe.  Always gives satisfaction.

We learn that some parties were in Barrington this week trying to find out how much bonus could secure if they would put up a factory that would employ from 1,000 to 4,000 men, but we are unable to learn what they have done or going to do.  This is what Barrington should have—something that would employ so many men would be a great benefit to the town.

The Blue Tea Party given at the beautiful home of Mr. S. Peck last Friday night was a grand success and all who attended enjoyed themselves in the highest degree, each one receiving a blue tea cup filled with ice cream as a souvenir.  The party was given for the benefit of the Baptist Church and between $8 and $12 was secured.

A reward of $10 will be paid any person finding a passage of Scripture that teaches the application of water by sprinkling or pouring in baptism.  Any person giving chapter and verses before the 1st day of June, 1894, will receive the above reward.  D. A. Pierce, Barrington, Ill.

The Woman’s Thursday Club met at the residence of Miss Cora Higley Thursday afternoon from 3 to 4 o’clock.  The second and third acts of “Merchant of Venice” were very ably read and discussed by the members.  The next reading will be at the residence of Mrs. Prof. Smith, and “Merchant of Venice” will be concluded.

Try a pair of Douglas’ Men’s shoes.  Sold by A. W. Meyer & Co.

Fred Bennett has a two weeks vacation, during which time he will visit New York on business, also other cities in the East.  The News wishes him a pleasant and prosperous journey.

J. M. Thrasher made Palatine a business call Wednesday.

Buy only Best Minnesota Flour, One dollar a sack at A. W. Meyer & Co.

Mrs. Jno. Catlow is visiting her son, Mr. James Catlow of Cary, this week.

Two Barrington sports killed seventy-two snipes in one day.  How is that for shooting?

H. D. A. Grebe painted Herman Schwemms barn roof Monday.

Mrs. Rev. John Nate of Chicago spent Monday with Mrs. M. C. McIntosh.

Mrs. A. C. Cronk and daughter of Chicago spent the first of the week with Mrs. S. M. Cronk.

A neighboring town, to show their esteem for our citizens, meets them with brass bands and escorts them into their midst.

Mr. Church has sold his interest in the barbershop to Mr. Wood, and removed to his home in Elgin.

Some Barrington boy had great luck shooting snipes Sunday and brought them home by the sack full.

Two ways of washing.  One is the same way your grandmother washed and the other is using A. W. Meyer & Co.’s Dingman’s Soap and make your washing easy.

John L. Runyan has accepted a position as baggageman on the C. B. & Q. railroad at Milledgeville, Ill. The News wishes him the best of success.

Peters & Collins started for Baraboo, Wis., Monday morning after another lot of cattle.  They will return to-day.

Misses Addie and Laura Church of Barrington Center visited the family of Mr. B. H. Sodt Monday.

W. F. Waller of the Chamberlain Medicine Company of De-Moines was a pleasant caller Monday.

The members of the Woodmen camp had quite a pleasant time receiving new members Monday evening.

Bring in your job printing.  We are prepared to print you a small card or a 500 page pamphlet.

Mr. Lou H. Bennett and wife went to Algonquin on business Wednesday.

Hansen & Peters received three new buggies Tuesday, and are prepared to give you the best.  Give them a call.

Mrs. Jno. Dobler, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Clara, left Tuesday to visit friends in Elgin, Dundee and Algonquin.

Henry Kilrain and Charles Jahnke took supper at Elgin Monday night, after which they “took” in Bennett’s players in Dundee.

Peters & Collins returned from Baraboo, this morning with a fine load of cows.

Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Hall of Elgin were the guests of Prof. and Mrs. Smith the first of the week.

C. P. Brown of Elgin was at the barber shop of Wallace Wood last Thursday, taking orders for tailormade clothing.

The Champion Binder Co.’s machine set up a Champion binder for Mr. Herman Schwemm Thursday.

JUST OPENED.—In the Lageschulte block with a line of fancy groceries, confectionary, bakery goods and also a full line of candies, fresh fruits, vegetables, smoked and dried meats.  Ice cream and lemonade on hand.  For a first-class bakery lunch give me a call.        F. L. WATERMAN.